Brief about the project


This brief provides a snap-shot of a unique tailor-made project in addressing conflict and livelihood challenges among young adult and youth groups in post-conflict communities in Uganda.


Goal of the project: The project desires to contribute towards stability in post-conflict communities. To realize the stability and progress towards peace, it aims at preventing re-radicalization in selected post-conflict communities in Uganda -in abid to prevent the targeted young adults from sliding back into acts of violence. This is done through the establishment of a team of young adult and youth peace champions who have become the change agents in their communities and who are leading in transforming the attitudes of their fellows in the community.


Selected districts 2021: Kaabong, Kasese and Lira


Target groups:


1.       Youths (18-30 years) who have previously been involved in (armed) violence  - ex-combatants, formerly abducted children, children born on captivity, children orphaned due to armed conflict, and ex-warriors


2.       It also supports youth (18-30) who are engaged in peace building and Connectors for Peace activities in their communities.


Peace Champions project
This brief provides a snap-shot of a unique tailor-made project in addressing conflict and livelihood challenges among young adult and youth groups in post-conflict communities in Uganda.
Brief. ifa-zivik - Youth Peace Champions
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